

15 companies to levy surcharges

Time:2011-08-08     【Reserved】   Read

  Maersk shipping and 14 shipping companies will form the"trans Pacific stability agreement organization"(TSA),starting from August 15,to implement the peak season surcharge on the Pan Pacific route,charging$400 per 40 foot container and halving the standard container.

  The members of the organization include US presidential steamship,Kawasaki steamship of Japan,China shipping container,Dafei steamship of France,mediterranean shipping,COSCO Container Shipping,Japan Post ship,evergreen shipping,Orient Overseas Container Shipping,Hanjin Shipping,Yangming shipping,Herbert shipping,Yixing shipping and Korean modern merchant shipping.

  The increase is actually two months later than the implementation period scheduled for June 15.The industry's view is that,even if the fee increase is announced orally,it is still unknown whether it will succeed.Even some airline service providers are pessimistic,saying that the increase in fuel costs and weak consumer demand will bring about zero effect.

  A group of 15 shipping companies explained in an e-mail on March 3 that the organization had decided on the timing of this year's increase in November last year.However,due to various factors,the plan could not be implemented as scheduled,resulting in repeated delays.

  Maersk and other 14 shipping companies failed to collect surcharges in June and July,mainly because the replenishment demand of American retailers in the beginning of the new school year and holiday consumption season was lower than before,and the US consumer spending fell unexpectedly in June for the first time in recent two years.Shippers may face more resistance in levying surcharges.

  According to Maersk,fuel costs have risen by 34%this year,and freight rates on key routes for rail and freight transport have also increased accordingly.According to data from the world's largest financial information company,the price of 380 gauge marine fuel fell 0.3%to$680.50 per ton in Singapore the day before yesterday.It rose to$688.50 on January 1,the highest since September 1,2008.

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